[whatwg] Custom microdata handling added to HTML5 spec

Julian Reschke julian.reschke at gmx.de
Tue May 12 07:01:18 PDT 2009

Manu Sporny wrote:
> ...
> We are currently working[1] on features to dynamically extending the
> base set of reserved words and the set of pre-defined prefixes through a
> mechanism called RDFa Profiles[2]. It is proposed that this mechanism
> would allow authors to do this in their documents:
> <div profile="http://example.org/myprofile.html"> ...
>   <span property="description">A description for this page.</span>
>   <span about="#me" property="name">Manu Sporny</span>
> </div>
> Note that 'description' and 'name' are not prefixed, but would be mapped
> to a full URI in the document listed by @profile. This allows the ease
> of Microformats-like markup but with all of the rigor of RDFa.
> ...

So, to process the HTML fragment above, a recipient would always need to 
look up the profile resource, and extract RDF triples from *that* 
document (*) first?

How do you prevent the problem we've seen with DTDs (consumers not 
willing or able to cache the resource, and thus re-requesting the same 
resource over and over again)?

BR, Julian

(*) Which specific media types would a recipient be required to support 
for profiles?

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