[whatwg] Using fonts stored on servers

Onsemeliot onsemeliot at gmx.net
Sun Apr 4 02:55:00 PDT 2010

Thank you all,

it's embarrassing that i expected font management from the HTML standards instead of from CSS. Thank you for leading me to the CSS3-possibilities.


> > >
> > > CSS3 has this in terms of font support, but it's just a wait for
> browsers to implement it or reject it I guess:
> > >
> > > http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-fonts/
> > 
> > All modern browsers support the @font-face declaration in CSS.  Even
> > IE6 and 7 do.  There is a slight wrinkle in that they accept different
> > formats, though.  IE only accepts fonts in the EOT format, while other
> > browsers accept fonts in the normal TTF format and possibly WOFF
> > format.  There are converters both online and downloadable to turn a
> > TTF font into an EOT very easily, and there are guides online about
> > how to safely and easily serve both types of fonts to both browsers
> > (you can't *quite* do what the CSS Fonts module says, because IE's
> > support is somewhat buggy).
> > 
> > So feel free to use webfonts on your website.  All your visitors will
> > be able to see them.
> > 
> > ~TJ
> http://webfonts.info/wiki/index.php?title=@font-face_browser_support
> shows what browsers support what.
> Thanks,
> Ash
> http://www.ashleysheridan.co.uk

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