[whatwg] Will you consider about RFC 4329?

Swampert pokemon260 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 06:11:48 PDT 2010

In your HTML5 draft standard, the default value for type attribute in script
element is "text/javascript". While according to RFC 4329, the MIME type
"text/javascript" is obsolete, the proper MIME type for JavaScript is
"application/javascript" or "application/ecmascript". And Apache also can
serve .js files as application/javascript MIME type.
And JavaScript is obviously somewhat a kind of application, we already serve
XHTML1.1/XHTML5 webpages as application/xhtml+xml, why don't we use
application/* on JavaScript?
I think HTML5 should be for the future, not just being pragmatic.

Even though IE doesn't welcome the new MIME type ( IE even don't welcome
application/xhtml+xml ), changing the default type for script doesn't bring
any trouble, and won't break the web. Because when the type attribute is
absent, IE can still run the script. We can just let modern browsers regard
script as the right MIME type.

52POKE.COM - Paradise for Pokémon Fans
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