[whatwg] Image Collision Detection in Canvas

Stefan Haustein haustein at google.com
Thu Apr 8 03:44:54 PDT 2010

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Saurabh Jain <saurabh at skjworld.com> wrote:

> I have a proposal for adding generic image collision API in Canvas. Given
> two images HTMLImageElement objects and there respective x, y, clip width
> and clip height the API call will let you know if there's any
> non-transparent pixel (any opaque or translucent pixel) in one image's
> clipping region that overlaps a non-transparent pixel in another image's
> clipping region. The clipping region defined by this API call is for local
> use only for this purpose.

Why not add a general BitBlt library on top of typed arrays (1) instead?

This could also be useful for other applications, e.g. web-based photo



> This API will be useful for game programmers. I am author of India's first
> book on J2ME and have been developing mobile games since 2002. I have
> through personal experience observed that this pixel level collision at
> native level is required for game developers to build games easily. What I
> am referring to is a kind of generic pixel level collision. People are free
> to develop there own complex collision mechanisms for complex games but
> small teams composed of new game developers find image collision detection
> implementation the most difficult concept in the whole game development
> process to grasp.
> Also pixel level checking for two 100 pixel x 100pixel images will involve
> lot of execution time if done at JavaScript level since up to 10000 checks
> may have to be performed. Native browser support can speed things a lot.
> Similar thing happened in J2ME where before MIDP 2.0 people had hard time to
> do pixel level collision both due to programming complexity and execution
> issues.
> Saurabh Jain
> Director
> SKJ Technologies Private Limited
> http://www.skjworld.com
> Author : Mobile Phone Programming using Java ME (J2ME)
> http://library.skjworld.com/mobile-technology/java/java-me

Stefan Haustein
Google UK Limited

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