[whatwg] Will you consider about RFC 4329?

James Kerr locki at l0x.in
Tue Apr 6 10:19:36 PDT 2010

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Apologies, I've just noticed that I accidentally sent a couple of further
posts directly to Anne instead of to the mailing list. I include them and
Anne's response here for the benefit of the list discussion...

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On Tue, 06 Apr 2010 12:40:48 +0200, James Kerr <locki at l0x.in> wrote:
> Perusing the script element spec (the last I knew, HTML5 had negated the
> "type" attribute entirely), I'm left wondering... Why does there have to
be a default type at all? Isn't that the purpose of the HTTP content-type
> header of the file referenced in the "src" attribute? (The same applies
for the object element - it can have a "type" attribute, but doesn't need
one) I don't see the point, unless it's purely there as meta-data, in which
case a default is unnecessary...?

Euhm, inline scripts?

> As a side note, the uptake of application/javascript will likely increase
> from this point onwards, as the recently released IE9 preview supports its
use where previous versions did not (the biggest sticking point of adoption
as far as I know). Taking this into consideration, and the fact that
> ∙ it will be the first version of that browser with HTML5 features
> ∙ application/javascript is the official MIME type (however little
> difference it actually makes in reality)
> would suggest no real reason not to go with it?

Authoring material, author mindset, backwards compatibility, etc? RFCs can
be fixed.

- --
Anne van Kesteren
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On Tue, 06 Apr 2010 14:28:48 +0200, James Kerr <locki at l0x.in> wrote:
> Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>> Euhm, inline scripts?
> OK, but what I was getting at was also : doesn't each browser only support
> one scripting language? JScript on IE and Javascript on the others. Meaning
> there is no actual choice to be made and each browser will interpret the
> contents of a <script> with the language it supports...

Not if the type attribute specifies something we do not support, but I agree
that the default can be any type that matches JavaScript in theory as it is
not exposed.

- --
Anne van Kesteren
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