[whatwg] Need document.available_fonts() call

Ashley Sheridan ash at ashleysheridan.co.uk
Mon May 10 04:22:15 PDT 2010

On Mon, 2010-05-10 at 04:34 +0000, JustFillBug wrote:

> There should be a way to fetch available font to use in the document.
> Currently, the only popular way is to use Flash calls.
> document.available_fonts() or document.local_font_list() will be very
> useful.

Isn't this a little pointless? There are currently ways for the popular
browsers to have fonts embedded through CSS3. At the moment, there are a
couple of methods used by various browsers, but I see it being more
likely that font embedding will become unified than having a font list
functionality being built into the spec and then all the browsers. I'm
no expert on these things, but this would just seem more logical to me.


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