[whatwg] Proposal for a web application descriptor

Dave Raggett dsr at w3.org
Fri Apr 29 07:47:57 PDT 2011

You may also want to look at the ideas being floated by Mozilla and 
others for installed web apps to request extra privileges. This is 
expected to lead to a new W3C Working Group within a few months from 
now, and I am hoping to see progress on being able to run the browser in 
a locked down mode that is more secure than is the default for web pages 
today (e.g. no eval, constrained innerHTML), and to then make a single 
request for a list of privileges:


Some challenges include:

   *  how to justify the request to the user being asked to grant the 
      starting with a text string and a link to more information

   *  white and black lists for well behaved and evil applications - 
which leads
      on to the role of trust delegation for improved usability  and whether
      crowd based recommendations are practical

We should think how to work together with Mozilla, Google and others on 
a joint proposal as this is likely to have greater chance of widespread 
adoption than doing something in isolation.

On 29/04/11 13:00, Simon Heckmann wrote:
> Hello again,
> As requested I updated the proposal to contain screenshots from English browser versions now. You can always find the latest version on http://www.simonheckmann.de/download/Proposal.pdf. Additionally, I created an HTML version of the file which might come in handy for some readers: http://www.simonheckmann.de/proposal/.
> Kind regards,
> Simon Heckmann
> Am 29.04.2011 um 11:03 schrieb Simon Heckmann:
>> Fixed!
>> Am 29.04.2011 um 10:52 schrieb Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis:
>>> On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 9:39 AM, Simon Heckmann<simon at simonheckmann.de>  wrote:
>>>> I have written a short document covering my proposal: www.simonheckmann.de/download/Proposal.pdf (3 pages, ~200KB)
>>> I can't open this PDF in Preview.
>>> --
>>> Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
>> Sorry for the inconveniences! I tried it in Acrobat and it worked flawlessly. I uploaded it again and it now displays in Preview as well. I hope this fixes it for you, too!
>> Kind regards,
>> Simon Heckmann

  Dave Raggett<dsr at w3.org>  http://www.w3.org/People/Raggett

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