[whatwg] Timing API proposal for measuring intervals

Ojan Vafai ojan at chromium.org
Thu Jul 7 18:47:54 PDT 2011

On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 6:15 PM, James Robinson <jamesr at google.com> wrote:

> It is not possible to accurately measure time intervals using existing web
> platform APIs, or to specify times at a given interval from the current
> time.  Date.now() and DOM timestamps are inadequate for this purpose, see
> <sectiontitle> below for reasons why this is so.
> 1.) When updating an imperative animation state from script, authors need
> to
> know how much time has elapsed in the animation so far in order to properly
> update the animation.
> 2.) When synchronizing imperative animation updates with audio, authors
> need
> to know how much time has elapsed in the animation and in the audio
> sample's
> progression and be able to schedule future audio cues to specific points in
> the animation.
> 3.) When measuring the time that a given operation has taken (for example,
> a
> network request or a application process), authors need to be able to
> measure the amount of time elapsed from script.
> In ECMAScript the Date object is typically used for timing.  It is defined
> (in ES-262 5th edition section as representing milliseconds since
> the unix epoch, Jan 1 1970 00:00:00 UTC, ignoring leap seconds.  DOM
> timestamps are defined in a similar way, although it doesn't seem to
> specify
> anything about leap seconds.  In practice, implementations depend on the
> system clock for these APIs and are likely to use the same implementation
> for both.  This poses a problem whenever the system clock is adjusted.  In
> all implementations I tested, Date.now() varies whenever the system clock
> is
> adjusted.  This means that, for example, the following snippet:
> var start = Date.now();
> dosomething();
> window.alert(Date.now() - start);
> may alert a positive number, negative number, or zero if the system clock
> is
> adjusted in between the two calls to Date.now().  Similarly, timestamps
> from
> a series of DOM events may be increasing, decreasing, or unchanging if the
> system clock adjusts in between event dispatches.  System clock adjustments
> are not as rare as you might thing, many systems are configured to receive
> clock updates over the network via NTP or similar systems.  When developing
> and implementing the navigation timing spec we ran in to many reported time
> intervals from users in the wild that were bogus in one way or another,
> either negative (easily detectable) or artificially inflated (very
> difficult
> to detect).  I've put a simple test page up here:
> http://webstuff.nfshost.com/timers.html.
> Additionally, there's a practical concern that querying the system clock on
> some systems is more expensive and/or less reliable than other timing APIs.
>  On windows, for instance, GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() has a resolution of
> ~15.5ms, so browsers use a combination of GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() with
> higher-resolution timing APIs like QueryPerformanceCounter() that provide
> better resolution but are not affected by adjustments to the system clock.
>  See http://drdobbs.com/windows/184416651?pgno=1 and
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=363258 for some background
> information.
> I propose that we add a new attribute to the Window interface that provides
> a monotonic, uniformly increasing timestamp suitable for interval
> measurements.
> <bikeshed-topic>
> partial interface Window {
>  readonly attribute double monotonicTime;
> };
> </bikeshed-topic>
> <bikeshed-topic>
> I propose that monotonicTime be defined as the number of milliseconds

Is milliseconds sufficient? Could we use seconds and encourage
implementations to do decimal values? Would be nice to support microseconds
on most modern hardware.

> elapsed since the window creation.  There is likely to be no meaningful
> relationship between the value exposed by this interval and a date and time
> in the past (such as the unix epoch), so starting at zero seems a good at
> choice as any.
> </bikeshed-topic>
> I do not believe we can change the meaning of Date.now() in ECMAScript
> since
> the current behavior has existing for a very long time and is genuinely
> useful when the author wants to know the system clock's current value, for
> example in a calendar type application.
> The setTimeout() and setInterval() algorithms (
> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/timers.html#timers
> )
> implicitly depend on a uniformly monotonic clock in the various "wait for X
> milliseconds" phase, since there is no allowance in this text for
> adjustments to the system clock to change when the timer actually fires.
>  All browsers except for WebKit ignore system clock changes for timer
> scheduling, and the WebKit behavior is a bug which I plan to fix.
> The Web Perf WG has run into similar issues and defined a monotonic clock
> as
> part of the Navigation Timing API:
> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/webperf/raw-file/tip/specs/NavigationTiming/Overview.html#mono-clock
> .
>  This clock is very similar to the above proposal but is not exposed
> directly to authors.  I expect that implementations of the Navigation
> Timing
> API would use the same mechanism to implement this proposal.
> The proposed Web Audio API (
> http://chromium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/samples/audio/specification/specification.html#AudioContext-section
> )
> exposes
> a timestamp on the AudioContext interface that is defined to map to a
> monotonic uniformly increasing hardware timestamp.
> - James

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