[whatwg] datalist @exclusive

Diogo Resende dresende at thinkdigital.pt
Wed Mar 9 14:08:59 PST 2011

 On Wed, 9 Mar 2011 16:28:00 +0200, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> Christoph Päper wrote:
>> Diogo Resende:
>>> I was thinking.. what about allowing big time spans, like: from
>>> April 1st to June 30th? Giving that the date has "-" as date 
>>> element
>>> separators we could not use YYYY1-MM1-DD1-YYYY2-MM2-DD2.
>> ISO 8601 specifies how to code time intervals (and durations) in
>> several ways: start and end date/time, start date/time and duration,
>> duration and end date/time, or duration only – the separtor alwas is
>> a forward slash ‘/’, replacable by a double hyphen ‘--’ if 
>> necessary.
>> If HTML was to support this it should do so in compatibility with 
>> ISO
>> 8601.
> Setting a date range limitation is already possible according to the
> current version of HTML5 drafts, just not as an ISO 8601 range
> notation (which nobody uses outside laboratories and which requires
> parsing the limits) but with min and max attributes, e.g.
> <input type="date" min="2011-04-01" max="2011-06-30">
> Ref.:
> http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/states-of-the-type-attribute.html#date-state
> This is supported both by Opera (in its calendar widget) and by
> Chrome (in its somewhat odd widget that lets you scroll through 
> dates,
> one date at a time, but I think that's meant to be allowed as
> conforming).

 That is perfect for 1 date scope. What if I have a meeting to schedule 
 in a month (eg. March) and (according to other meeting attendees) the 
 meeting can only happen from 10-15, 19, 20-28 and 30. Do I have to make 
 a data-list with every possible day? What if I would like to set a 
 future event that cannot happen on weekends?

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