[whatwg] datalist @exclusive

Diogo Resende dresende at thinkdigital.pt
Thu Mar 10 03:05:59 PST 2011

 On Wed, 09 Mar 2011 23:08:59 +0100, Diogo Resende wrote:
> That is perfect for 1 date scope. What if I have a meeting to
> schedule in a month (eg. March) and (according to other meeting
> attendees) the meeting can only happen from 10-15, 19, 20-28 and 30.
> Do I have to make a data-list with every possible day? What if I 
> would
> like to set a future event that cannot happen on weekends?

 Wouldn't be great to have an event before displaying/changing months in 
 a calendar so a developer could update the datalist for that specific 
 month and then the datalist could be rescanned by the browser to display 
 that month?

 Something like...

 <input type="datetime" id="meeting_date">

 function (month) {
     // update datalist or directly use input methods to enable/disable 

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