[whatwg] Autofocus readonly Input Elements

Kaustubh Atrawalkar kaustubh at motorola.com
Sun Sep 25 09:59:54 PDT 2011

>  Right. The question is whether read-only/disabled/hidden inputs should be
>>>> focusable.
>>> Readonly elements are focusable both in IE and WebKit.
>> Agree, then they can be autofocus-able as well as per algorithm.
> No, I don't necessarily conclude that. Backward compatibility is more
> important than the spec. The spec should reflect the reality of the Web if
> any.
Yes, true and accepted. Specs should reflect the user benefit and
compliances rather than just one decided algorithm.

>  I don't personally see pros and cons in either direction, but I
>>>> wanted to make sure there was agreement here before changing WebKit's
>>>> behavior.
>>> The question is whether or not there's any backward compatibility issue
>>> given the market share of IE and WebKit today.
>>> Unless user gives a readonly element autofocus attribute this wont be
>> triggered. And when user explicitly add autofocus he expects it to be
>> focused. But still, the question remains with which behavior we should
>> comply.
> Having said that, I agree with you. If the author explicitly adds autofocus
> attribute, it seems more natural to think the element should be
> auto-focusable.
In this case there would be issue if there any sites which have readonly
elements made autofocus but still not expecting to be focused on page load
which would be very rare scenario. We can conclude to have readonly elements
respecting autofocus attribute ?

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