[whatwg] URL: URLQuery

Anne van Kesteren annevk at annevk.nl
Mon Dec 3 13:17:19 PST 2012

On Sat, Dec 1, 2012 at 7:52 PM, Rick Waldron <waldron.rick at gmail.com> wrote:
> The definitive answer is that we discussed this at the TC39 in-person this
> past week and the collection mutation methods will return |this|. I will be
> publishing the meetings notes on Monday and the next draft will reflect
> these changes

Thanks Rick. I take it that is "Cascading this returns" from
Why is the delete() method not included?

And is there an explain-it-like-I'm-five available for the conclusion?
Either that or an example where this would not apply might suffice. If
we want to adopt this policy throughout all API specifications it
would help if I knew what was going on.


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