[whatwg] seamless iframes and event propagation

Ian Hickson ian at hixie.ch
Wed Dec 5 12:30:28 PST 2012

On Wed, 5 Dec 2012, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> Ian, for HTML that would allow easily dealing with the load exception on 
> Window too.

The load exception is weirder than that. It's target is different than the 
element that ever gets the event. Unless you mean the other exception, in 
which case, possibly, yes.

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

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