[whatwg] use cases for untitled article and section elements

Steve Faulkner faulkner.steve at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 06:47:52 PST 2013

Hi Mathias,

>Comments on blog posts, or forum posts.

how is it useful?

what does the use of article provide in this case over other markup?

why not section or list?

who are the consumers of the semantics?


On 15 January 2013 14:44, Mathias Bynens <mathias at qiwi.be> wrote:
> On 15 Jan 2013, at 10:57, Steve Faulkner <faulkner.steve at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Can anyone point me to or provide use cases for untitled article and
>> section elements?
> Comments on blog posts, or forum posts.
>> as in who are the potential consumers of document outlines with untitled
>> sections?
> This is a different question, as there are more sectioning elements than just <article> and <section>. <nav>, for example. (See http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/sections.html.)
> E.g. if there’s only a single <nav> element in the document, it means that element represents the primary navigation. As such there’s no need to title that section IMHO.

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