[whatwg] Adding 2D Canvas features (Was: Grouping in canvas 2d)

Dirk Schulze dschulze at adobe.com
Fri Jun 14 11:52:57 PDT 2013

On Jun 14, 2013, at 10:42 AM, Ian Hickson <ian at hixie.ch> wrote:

> I think before we add more features, it's important that we figure out 
> which browsers want to implement which features, and that we start with 
> the highest priority ones.

I think that is exactly the point of Rik's mail. Figure out if people are interested and get the propriety of this feature. I think this is a very important part and I would like to see blending and filters on groups. I think using layers is the way to go for that. It is also the way graphic libraries group elements internally for graphical operations. I checked CG, Cairo Graphics, Rik checked Direct2D/3D and it is possible to implement there. Brian confirms that Skia does it the same way. (As a matter of fact, if it wouldn't, it would never have been possible to run WebKit/Blink on top of Skia.)

So other than a lot of the not implemented parts of the spec, this is something that can be implemented cross browsers. As you say, the question is just if browser vendors will support it.


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