[whatwg] [Canvas] Behavior on non-invertable CTM

Rik Cabanier cabanier at gmail.com
Mon Mar 17 11:06:07 PDT 2014

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 10:18 AM, Justin Novosad <junov at google.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 12:59 PM, Rik Cabanier <cabanier at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 8:45 AM, Justin Novosad <junov at google.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 11:35 AM, Dirk Schulze <dschulze at adobe.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > > Hmmm, I gave this a bit more thought...  To apply the construction
>>> > > algorithm in transformed space, the ellipse parameters (radiusX,
>>> radiusY,
>>> > > rotation) would have to be transformed. Transforming the parameters
>>> would
>>> > > be intractable under a projective transform (e.g. perspective), but
>>> since
>>> > > we are limitted to affine transforms, it can be done.  Now, in the
>>> case
>>> > of
>>> > > a non-invertible CTM, we would end up with radiusX or radiusY or both
>>> > equal
>>> > > to zero.  And what happens when you have that?  Your arcTo just
>>> turned
>>> > into
>>> > > lineTo(x1, y1). Tada!
>>> >
>>> > Why does radiusX or radiusY need to be zero? Because you define it that
>>> > way for a non-invertible matrix? That makes sense for scale(0,0). What
>>> > about infinity or NaN? If Ian didn't update the spec then this is still
>>> > undefined and therefore up to the UA to decide.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> Oh yeah, I was totally forgetting about singularities caused by
>>> non-finite
>>> values.  Could we just the same agree to resolve that case by treating
>>> arcTo as lineTo(x1, y1) in the case of a non-invertible CTM?  Or do you
>>> think there is a more logical thing to do?
>> Make a clean cut and define that drawing operators are ignored when
>> there's a non-invertible matrix.
>> I could totally go for that, but you are talking about going back on the
> spec of a feature that has shipped, as opposed to clarifying edges cases.
> Maybe that would be fine in this case though...

I'm unsure if anyone has shipped that part of the spec. There's certainly
no interop...

Looking at the implementation in Blink and WebKit, all of the drawing
methods and fill/stroke/clip start with:

    if (!isTransformInvertible())

At first glance, Firefox seems to do what the spec says (which results in
slow double transforming of all coordinates) but then they punt as well:

Matrix inverse = mTarget->GetTransform();
if (!inverse.Invert()) {

NS_WARNING("Could not invert transform");



So, what we could say is:
- when drawing paths, ignore all calls if the matrix is non-invertible
(WebKit and Blink do this)
- when filling/stroking/clipping, ignore all calls if the matrix is
non-invertible (Firefox, WebKit and Blink do this)

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