[html5] Author of a quote - how to mark up?

Mirko Gustony mirko.gustony at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 08:10:34 PDT 2009


what would be a good way to explicitely mark up the author of a quote in HTML 5?

Given the follwing text:

Douglas Crockford writes in ‘Javascript: The Good Parts’: ‘Deep down,
Javascript has more in common with Lisp and Scheme than with Java. It
is Lisp in C’s clothing.’

I would end up with something like:

<p>Douglas Crockford writes in <cite>Javascript: The Good
Parts</cite>: <q>Deep down, Javascript has more in common with Lisp
and Scheme than with Java. It is Lisp in C’s clothing.</q></p>

To make absolutely clear that the quotation has been taken from the
book I would write it like that:

<p>Douglas Crockford writes in <cite
id="douglas-crockford-javascript-the-good-parts">Javascript: The Good
Parts</cite>: <q
cite="#douglas-crockford-javascript-the-good-parts">Deep down,
Javascript has more in common with Lisp and Scheme than with Java. It
is Lisp in C’s clothing.</q></p>

Given I want to ensure programs (maybe Google) will understand as well
who is the author of what. But how would I explicitely mark up Douglas
Crockford as the author of the quote (and maybe the book too)?


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