[html5] sections and tables

Ricardo Tomasi ricardobeat at gmail.com
Tue Dec 7 15:07:38 PST 2010

In my understanding, nothing inside a table should need to appear in the
outline. Tables are for tabular data, if one is contained in a section, that
section's heading will provide context. They have their own content
hierarchy with <caption>, <th> and such.

2010/12/6 webmaster <webmaster at tsmchughs.com>

> <table>s cannot contain <section>s, and <tbody> does not participate in the
> document outline. So if I have a <table>, am I stuck using <h2> or <h3>
> or...? Is there anyway to use <h1> as I do in sections and have the outline
> work correctly?
> --
> Brian T
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