[html5] 2D Canvas

Saurabh Jain saurabh at skjworld.com
Sun May 9 03:52:37 PDT 2010


Can anybody please tell me that if my software has the rectangle from x : 0,
y : 0 to x : 100 and Y : 100 in Java and I am porting it to HTML 5 Canvas
then should I add 0.5 to my coordinates or subtract to get a crisp rectangle
and keeping it still compatible with my Java graphics model? Taking whole
numbers is diffusing the rectangle stroke. In HTML 5 Canvas the coordinate
system starts at 0.5 or -0.5?
Also please can you tell me what is the reason for taking this diffusing
model where 50% stroke color goes to left coordinate and 50% goes towards
right coordinate. Does it not create a barrier to porting Java based
graphical applications since Java has no concept of co-ordinates at 0.5
pixels or its multiples.

Saurabh Jain
SKJ Technologies Private Limited
Author : Mobile Phone Programming using Java ME (J2ME)
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