[html5] Template questions...

Micky Hulse mickyhulse.lists at gmail.com
Sun May 15 17:54:07 PDT 2011

Hi Ricardo!

On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Ricardo Tomasi <ricardobeat at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's what I think this should look
> like: https://gist.github.com/973657

I just had a few questions about your revised template, I hope you don't mind.


<h1><!-- Site logo/flag here --></h1>

If we were to consider this to be the primary logo for the
template/website, what are your thoughts about making this an <h6>? I
have always used <h6> for the site logo, for example:

<h6><a href="http://site.com">Site Name</a> Slogan</h6>

But maybe I can change my thinking about the logo's importance in an
HTML5 document?


I like your addition of the <h2>:


I am betting this makes the HTML5 outliner happy (I was getting an
"untitled" section with my template)...

My question: I don't really want to show a heading in that spot; would
there be anything wrong with me "visually" hiding this <h2> (i.e.
absolutely position it off of the page)?

Thanks! Have a great weekend.


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