[html5] single article

Brian Tremblay webmaster at tsmchughs.com
Mon Mar 12 15:52:18 PDT 2012

Does it make sense to have an html page that contains, besides its own 
header and footer, a single article?

On a photographer's site, the home page has an header with h1, and at 
least 1 article, which contains its own header with h1, photo, and 
footer. The page may have non-photo articles, an address element, maybe 
other sections.

Each photo on the site has its own page. These individual photo pages 
contain a header and footer, with the main content being the photo. I'm 
sort of thinking of placing that photo, along with the photo title, in 
an article element. Is this proper? And if the only h1 on the page is 
inside the article element, what does the document outline look like?

Brian Tremblay

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