[html5] single article

Brian Tremblay webmaster at tsmchughs.com
Tue Mar 13 15:17:16 PDT 2012

On 3/12/12 10:17 PM, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
> 2012-03-13 0:52, Brian Tremblay wrote:
>> Does it make sense to have an html page that contains, besides its
>> own header and footer, a single article?
> Yes.
> Regarding the descriptions,
> "The article element represents a self-contained composition in a
> document, page, application, or site and that is, in principle,
> independently distributable or reusable, e.g. in syndication. This
> could be a forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a blog entry
> [....]"
> I don't see why a photo with its title could not be an independent
> item of content, at least if the title contains sufficient
> information about the photo.

Right. But what's the point of a page that has only 1 article -- and
will never have any more? It seems like any web page, if reasonably well
constructed, should be "self-contained" and "independently distributable
or reusable".

>> if the only h1 on the page is inside the article element, what
>> does the document outline look like?
>   Untitled Section
>     Your h1 heading
> See http://gsnedders.html5.org/outliner/

Thanks for the link.

> As far as I know, document outline is just a theoretical concept so
> far, with no implications on anything real.

As with much of html5, I suppose. I don't think any clients do anything
useful with <header> or <footer>, either. It makes markup more
self-documenting, but that seems to be about it.

Brian Tremblay

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