[html5] Video problem in IE9

Matt Vanderpol matt at vanderpol.net
Sun Nov 11 10:11:01 PST 2012

One issue is your content type. When I test:
  curl -I http://www.itu.dk/~dinesen/project2012/test/multimedia/mp4_trailer.mp4

I'm getting Content-Type: text/plain.

It should be "video/mp4" - http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/video/basics/


Matt Vanderpol
matt at vanderpol.net

On Nov 11, 2012, at 4:06 AM, Jonas Grus Dinesen <dinesen at itu.dk> wrote:

> I have a strange problem with the HTML5 video element. I have tested it in several browsers including IE9 and it all works fine when I run the webpage with the video locally.
> But when I upload it to a webserver and run it from there I see the problem that the video won't work in IE9 on two out of three webservers.
> One of them does not display the video at all and when I try to refer to the video object via getElementById("video") i get a JavaScript error saying "Object not supporting this method or property"
> http://www.itu.dk/~dinesen/project2012/test/html5/video.html
> The other server displays just a black box with a red crosss and gives me a MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED error.
> http://gerk.dk/video/html5/video.html
> Does anybody have an idea of what the problem could be? Does the server need anything to allow the browser to play video?
> Thx
> Grus
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