[html5] Distinguish main article from comments

Brian Tremblay webmaster at tsmchughs.com
Sun Nov 18 09:52:25 PST 2012

On 11/18/12 8:25 AM, Markus Ernst wrote:
> there are some types of webpages with a main article, and user
> comments; these are very common at news websites and blogs. I think it
> would be useful to mark up the main article specifically in order to
> give it a higher weight in search engines than the user contributed
> comments.

I'd say:

   <h1>Cicero dictos est</h1>
     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
     adipisicing elit,
     sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut
     labore et dolore magna aliqua....
       <h1>bonus est</h1>
       <p>great article;
        your Latin is excellent!</p>
       <h1>malus est</h1>
       <p>terrible article;
        you misspelled "dictus", you moron</p>

That way, the comments are a part of the article, as they should be, but 
each within its own article, and all of them inside a section. So each 
comment is 2 levels down from the main article.

Brian Tremblay

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