[whatwg] Test suite: Embedded content

Ian Hickson ian at hixie.ch
Mon Nov 28 12:20:31 PST 2005

On Mon, 28 Nov 2005, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> >
> > For <iframe> you want to support all types, and you want to show the 
> > contents for all the response codes, but they should show inside the 
> > frame regardless of the type.
> Really? Wouldn't it be better to show the fallback content of the 
> element? IMHO <iframe> should just be a special case of <object>.

No, <iframe> is a browser window, it has to just be usable as a browser 
window. The fallback for <iframe> is only for browsers that don't support 
<iframe> at all. It would break the Web to do otherwise.

> > For <embed> you want to show only things that require plugins, and 
> > only if they have 200 (or 301-200) responses.
> And what to do with the other things? "image/png" does not really require a
> plugin but UAs will load QuickTime or so.

Let me rephrase. <embed> should use a plugin to display the requested 
data. If there is no plugin available, it should display a placeholder, 
IIRC. (What exactly a plugin is is not defined by HTML5.)

(Since <embed> wasn't in HTML4 we have to be careful with it, browser 
compatibility here is even more important than with other elements.)

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

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