[whatwg] Output of web applications

Chris Taylor Chris.Taylor at figureout.com
Fri Jan 8 07:32:27 PST 2010

> Nikita Popov
> I don't quite know which element name to use best, maybe:
> <output>
> <output error> / <output info(rmation)>
> <output type="error"> / <output type="info(rmation)">
> (The question is, what is <output>, error or info?)
> What do you think?

I think having access to the full range of HTML elements for a response message is a very useful feature. For example:

<div class="error">
<h3>Sorry, there was an error</h3>
<p>There was an error with the form you just submitted. Please check the following:</p>
<li>Your email address is valid</li>
<li>Your password and its confirmation match</li>

Whether there is a use-case for having a particular element that appears as part of the browser chrome I'm not sure, but I think that's probably what you're getting at. For example, see the message that shows at the top of the screen when an error occurs on Twitter (sorry, I don't have an example URL).


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