[whatwg] Popular Background Geolocation question on StackOverflow

Roger Hågensen rh_whatwg at skuldwyrm.no
Sat Mar 24 22:44:07 PDT 2018

On 2018-03-25 07:17, Richard Maher wrote:
>   If that makes sense for your App the background-fetch already caters 
> for posting location updates to a fleet manager.
>   If delayed Batch Processing is acceptable to your site and you don't 
> want geofences then good luck.
>   TravelManager register() and unRegister()

I had to look up fleet manager and travelmanager. These are business 
terms. I did not consider fleet management, nor did I consider targeted 
traveling advertising/upselling (travelmanager?).

I was looking at this from a non-commercial user standpoint as well as 
scientific standpoint. Hence why I mentioned "crowd sourcing" weather 
data and geolocation from smart devices via a webapp, or a health and 
fitness training app (pulse, distance, altitude etc), or 
health/wellbeing (baby monitoring, pet monitoring).

But regardless of the intened use or purpose. Splitting things into a 
whole bunch of APIs and then trying to get permissions working for all 
of them is going to be a huge pain IMO.

A general purpose permission system and a general purpose sensor api 
(that can gather gps and various other things like ambient temperature 
or pulse) would be a better long term goal. It would also be less likely 
to screw up security this way.

Unless specified otherwise, anything I write publicly is considered 
Public Domain (CC0). My opinions are my own unless specified otherwise.
Roger Hågensen,
Freelancer, Norway.

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